Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Skincare Tips!

Posted by Kazumi King at 12:37 AM 3 comments

What is your skin type? Oily? Dry? Normal? Acne Prone?

Each skin type requires its own regimen. And every brand from all over the world promises every girl the treatment they need in order to correct their skin concern.

But how do we really know what's right for each skin type?  In order to decide what beauty product to use, identify first your skin type.

 Is your skin greasy? OILY?

If your skin is greasy with large pores and little bumps caused by excess oil secretion, well your skin is definitely oily. There is an increase testosterone hormone in your body due to low levels of estrogen hormone. 

 How to treat oily skin? 

Use of cleansers that contain salicylic acid or alphahydroxy decrease secretions and absorb oil on your skin

 Anti aging products with alphahydroxy and retinols can also help decrease the grease if you have wrinkles or age spots too.

Refrain from using toners and astringents because these will dehydrate your skin.

Though your skin is oily, moisturising the skin is still a necessity.

 Avoid rich heavy creams, a light lotion will do, so it won't clog your pores.

 Is your skin flaky? DRY?

Signs of a dry skin displays flaky, itchy, cracked and rough surface. This could be due to use of harsh soaps, it definitely causes the skin to dry. Also, can be due to cold weather.

 How to treat dry skin?

 Wash only at night with lukewarm water. In the morning, use cool water never use hot water cause this will strip the moisture away.

 Use a creamy moisturizer with dimethicone or simply silicone or grapeseed oil when your face is damp so the skin's surface will absorb the water.

 For wrinkles and uneven skin tone, use retinols every other night followed by a moisturizing cream.

 Refrain from using soap and cleansers as this will worsen the condition that potentially contain salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. Also, use of exfoliants can cause more cracking and inflammation.

 Is your skin oily and dry? COMBINATION?

When we say combination type, there is a part of your skin that is oily and some parts are dry. Normally, the cheeks are dry but the forehead and nose are oily. This skin type could be due to genetics and hormones.

 How to treat combination skin?

 Exfoliate oily areas. Moisturize dry areas.

 Is your skin acne prone?

Clogged hair follicles with oil and dead skin cells result to whiteheads, blackheads and pimples.

 How to treat acne prone skin?

 Cleanse your skin twice a day with products that contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.
 Apply treatment with retinols or glycolic and with salicylic acid.

 Refrain from using products that contain cocoa butter, coconut oil as these can clog pores.

Well for me, my skin type is a combination. Sometimes its dry sometimes its a little greasy. I don't have problems except for my forehead which is darker. I don't know why but i want to found out soon. I could say that my only skincare routine is that i just normally wash my face with cleansing foams, the one from Etude House, sometimes I use plain soap. Then I apply a moisturizer at night the Sleeping Pack from Etude House every other night and sometimes Olay.

I hope this simple sharing of how to treat skincare concerns will help you but it would be better to consult your nearest dermatologist for proper diagnosis and treatment of skin abrasions or further damage of the skin.  

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Regina Ann. :)

Posted by Kazumi King at 6:47 AM 0 comments

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Parang date lang.

Posted by Kazumi King at 5:06 PM 0 comments

wweeeww AMA♥RK

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Posted by Kazumi King at 3:30 PM 0 comments

RLA. :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

B L A N K~

Posted by Kazumi King at 3:35 AM 0 comments

completely blank ~

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